One hundred and twenty-five young Guyanese have graduated after completing the Employment Readiness and Placement Programme under the Ministry of Home Affair’s Citizen Security Strengthening Programme (CSSP).

Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn handing over a certificate to one of the graduates – Photo Credit: DPI)
The ceremony took place at the Guyana Police Force Officers’ Training Centre and saw Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, and CSSP’s Project Manager, Dr. Clement Henry, in attendance.
Funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the CSSP focuses on working with youths and communities, and providing support to the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and Guyana Prison Service (GPS).
Innovations were made due to the COVID-19 pandemic, where the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) provided free internet to all students to accommodate online learning and, essentially, the completion of the programme.
Persons were recruited through CSSP’s collaboration with Specialists in Sustained Youth Development and Research (SSYDR).
In brief remarks, Dr. Henry noted that the key to implementation is providing economic insertion activities for young people. CSSP has been working with roughly 1,500 youths to provide technical vocational training. The programme was a collaborative effort with the Ministries of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport.
“We are sending our young people to these institutions so that they can leave with a valid certificate to advance their futures,” Dr. Henry stated.
Adding to its outstanding work, CSSP is also partnering with the Small Business Bureau (SBB) to train entrepreneurs. This partnership will issue relief grants for upcoming business owners.
Approximately 200 young people are participating in the Entrepreneurship Programme, with 75% of the participants having completed and submitted their grant proposals to sow the seeds of their respective businesses.
Minister Benn explained that these programmes are designed to not only provide opportunities for young people but serve as a guide to living purposeful lives. He disclosed that the nation’s youths could heavily and positively impact Guyana’s development.
“We want to bring the energy, intellectual development, skills, and knowledge of our young people to make our country better,” Minister Benn highlighted.
[Extracted and Modified from DPI]