Marching towards the shining future,
Courage high, the past is gone,
Faith o’ercoming fear and doubting,
On to Glory’s sun-burst, On!
Thro’ the storm clouds dark and lowering,
Thro’ Fate’s lighting flash and flame
On! Republic of Guyana
Glorify Guyana’s name.
Forward,forward, youthful nation
Primed with pow’r beyond man’s might
May His strength God ever grant you
To strive unceasingly for right.
From Roraima’s mist-crowned summit
To wide surf-fringed Sixty-Three
Be thy people, dear Guyana,
Strong, united, loyal, free.
Song by R.C.G. Potter
Performance: RBL Panorama 2016 – The Bishops’ High School – A Song of Hope