Are you one of the billions of persons in the world who only wake up when they have their first sip of coffee? Most people drink their coffee in the mornings, alone or with their breakfast. Some people feel lethargic all day if they do not get this energy boost. Coffee has been consumed since the fifteenth (15th) century and believed to have been discovered in Yemen.
Most of us in Guyana are accustomed to the instant coffee which is less expensive and easier to make. Even the ‘wake houses’ in Guyana have started serving instant coffee. Many Guyanese are forgetting the art of brewing coffee and Amy’s Pomeroon Foods has reintroduced this dwindling practice of brewing coffee with their unique blend of coffee beans. If only the smell of freshly brewed coffee motivates you to get out of bed in the morning, the Amy Pomeroon Coffee may be the perfect choice for you.
Coffee in Guyana
Coffee was introduced to the Pomeroon Region, then named Nova Zeelandia, by Dutch Settlers in the 18th Century. The Coffee plants were brought to the Coast of South America from the famous Hortus Botanicus Nursery in Amsterdam, via Java, Indonesia and eventually distributed throughout South America. The variety was Caffea Arabica and cultivar, Typica. The crop flourished and by 1810, then British Guiana was one of the largest exporters worldwide with 22 million pounds exported that year.
Coffee output declined afterwards as plantations switched to the more lucrative sugar cane. But at the turn of the 20th Century, the Arabica variety was under threat from the Leaf Rust Disease and a resistant variety, Caffea Liberica, was being substituted here and in Asian Countries. Liberica coffee is considered by Specialty Roasters as the sweetest and most aromatic coffee available and a blend containing as little as 5% Liberica can enhance the taste of any other coffee. But Liberica remains the rarest coffee with less than 1% of World production due to its low yields causing commercial interests to bypass it. Its market is reserved for specialty coffee.
Amy’s Pomeroon Coffee is 100% Liberica. It has evolved over the hundred years grown here but still maintains that exceptional sweetness, taste and aroma.
Interesting Tips
- The Republic of Yemen is a country in Western Asia about 527,970 square kilometers in size.
- The New World is made up of North America, Central and South America, which were undiscovered by the Europeans until 1492.
- The famous Columbia’s coffee industry began because a traveler from Pomeroon took coffee beans there.
- Guyana, then British Guiana was one of the biggest coffee producers, exporting over twenty-two (22) million pounds of coffee in 1810.
About Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc.
Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc. was founded in the year 2013 with the aim to use raw materials found right here in Guyana, to take the local small business manufacturing to greater heights. Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc. aids local Pomeroon farmers into marketing and selling their produce. Amy’s Pomeroon Coffee was the first product of Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc. It was launched late in the year of 2015, garnering attention from countries like the United States, Canada, and in the United Kingdom. Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc. is currently under the management of Mr. Louis Holder, its Chief Executive Officer and founder. Amy’s Pomeroon Foods was named in honour of Mr. Louis Holder’s mother, an industrious and dedicated woman.
Amy’s Pomeroon Foods
- Address: South Railway Embankment (Project Dawn Compound) Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara, Guyana
- Telephone: 592-222-6927
- Website: |
- Email: [email protected], [email protected]
What makes Amy Pomeroon Foods’s Coffee special?

Amy’s Pomeroon Coffee – Photo by Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc.
Using only red cherries grown in the tannin-rich soils of the Pomeroon River for over a century, AMY’s POMEROON COFFEE captures the full-bodied flavor and aroma of its Liberica origins. The process starts with hand-reaping the cherries and applying a “wet” routine comprising washing to eliminate defective ones, pulping, fermenting, drying and hulling, to produce high quality green beans second to none. The green beans are then roasted to a Full City/Vienna level of darkness to maximize its body, aroma and sweetness, and ground to the coarseness required in French Press brewing.
Steps in the Wet coffee making process
- Washing – In the wet process, poor quality or defective cherries are separated.
- Pulping – The mesocarp and endocarp are removed.
- Fermenting – Getting rid of the mucilage surrounding the parchment (outside the coffee bean).
- Drying – The coffee beans are dried.
- Hulling – Finally, the shells of the coffee beans are removed, revealing these uniquely flavoured beans.
Amy’s Pomeroon Coffee
Amy’s Pomeroon Coffee products are available in packet sizes of 250 grams and 500 grams, in wholesale and retail quantities. Banks DIH is managing the distribution of Amy’s Pomeroon Coffee and has put it on local supermarket shelves all over Guyana.
Roasted Coffee Beans
Roasted Coffee Beans are made from roasting the green beans, which unlocks the flavour and distinctive aroma of the beans. Depending on the roast the taste of your coffee can differ. Roasted coffee beans are preferred by large scale consumers and shops, who do the grinding at their locations as needed. Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc. also roasts their coffee beans to customers liking.
Green Coffee Beans
Amy Pomeroon Foods Inc. also sells the green coffee beans to large customers who want to roast the beans themselves.
Ground Coffee
Amy’s Pomeroon Ground Coffee is roasted to optimal quality and darkness. This Full City dark roast is darker than a normal city roast and produces a bolder flavour. It is ground finely to be used in a French brewing press.
What else can we expect from Amy’s Pomeroon Foods?
Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc. currently only produces coffee but the company intends to expand its business by the end of the first quarter of 2020. In early 2020, Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc. is planning to launch its Healthy Dark Chocolate product, flavoured with lemon and peppermint, and sweetened with honey. Like its Pomeroon Coffee, Amy’s Dark and Healthy chocolate will be made using local materials. The cocoa beans used to make this chocolate are grown in Hosororo, Region One – Barima Waini, the North West District of Guyana. After its Healthy Dark Chocolate product, the company plans on releasing a breakfast spread made with chocolate, coconut butter, honey and passion fruit. Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc. does not plan to stop there. Another planned product is a creamer like the Coffee Mate Nestle brand but made from coconut milk instead. Guyana’s future with Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc. is one to anticipate as it is both exciting and promising since its aim not only to profit but to help the Guyanese farmers

The new Healthy Dark Chocolate product – Photo by Amy’s Pomeroon Foods Inc.
If you have been considering making that switch from instant coffee to a healthier choice, this is your chance to starting using brewed coffee. Visit your nearest supermarket and pick up our local Amy’s Pomeroon Coffee and start brewing your first batch of coffee. When you drink Amy’s Pomeroon Coffee, you are not only drinking coffee but savouring a rich and special part of our Guyanese history.
Last Updated: December 9th, 2020.
Article References