This spectacular fruit is similar in flavor to vanilla ice cream, is a rich source of nutrients and has many health benefits. It is also known as Pacay, Ice cream bean with the scientific name Inga feuilleei. It is actually a legume and is related to peanuts, green beans, alfalfa, etc. This wonderful fruit is native to Central and South America.
The white, fibrous pulp inside the bean has a smooth texture and sweet, juicy taste – somewhat like cotton candy. The leaves can be eaten raw while the seeds can be consumed after they have been cooked. The fruit, seeds and leaves are rich in Vitamins A, B and C, fiber, protein and antioxidants.

Whitie | Photo Credit: Stacey Dos Santos Rahaman
Where Did Whitie Come From?
Whitie native range extends from Mexico in the north to the Amazon rainforest in the south. It has since been naturalized in tropic and subtropic climates throughout the globe. The trees are frost sensitive, but thrive in warm climates where sunshine is plentiful. Due to their fast growing dense canopies, whitie trees are often grown to provide natural shade for cacao, coffee, tea and vanilla plants.
Description Of The Whitie Tree And Fruit

Whitie | Photo Credit: Stacey Dos Santos Rahaman
The Whitie tree grows very quickly, usually fruiting within three years of germination. It typically reaches heights of 17 meters and develops a broad spreading canopy. The yellow and white pompom-like flowers give way to the bean pods which ripen periodically throughout the year. Whitie can range from .3 to 2 meters long and have thick fibrous walls. The inner cottony pulp is sweet and snowy white with a flavor that is, not surprisingly, reminiscent of vanilla ice cream. The texture is that of a chewy cotton candy with a juicy finish. Large green or black seeds are imbedded in the pulp, and are inedible unless cooked.
Nutritional Value Of Whitie
The pulpy interior of the whitie fruit is a good source of dietary fiber, polyphenols, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories. The seeds should not be consumed raw, but when roasted provide a rich source of protein.
Here Are 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of This Spectacular Fruit
- Helps In Treating Dysentery – The seed or bark of the whitie fruit is known to do wonders for people who are suffering from dysentery. The bark and seeds can be eaten after they have been cooked.
- Prevents Rheumatism – The goodness of the bark and seeds of the tree is put to use in preventing rheumatism. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in keeping the bones strong, thereby helping in the prevention of this painful ailment.
- Eliminates Free Radicals – This fruit is rich in antioxidants. Significantly, it helps relieve free radicals that cause chronic diseases.
- Treats Nerve Problems – One of the benefits of eating the leaves of this fruit is that it can help treat nerve problems.
- Cures Headaches – The leaves are also known to provide relief from headaches. Eating them on a regular basis can prevent headaches and also cure them.
- Boosts Immunity – The high content of the antioxidants in this tropical fruit makes it boost immunity.
- Prevents Cancer – The antioxidants that are found in these fruits help in the prevention of cancer. Compounds including gallic acid, flavonol quercetin, and epicatechin are anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory.
- Helps In Weight Loss – This fruit has a flavor that is compared to vanilla ice cream. It is used as a flavoring agent in different kinds of desserts by health and weight-conscious people as it is low-fat.
- Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels – The whitie fruit is suited for people with high cholesterol levels. If you want to avoid cholesterol and saturated fats in your diet, this is the ideal alternative.
- Promotes Better Health – The high content of various nutrients in this fruit makes it a good choice in a healthy diet. Snacking on the ice cream bean fruit can improve your overall health.
Here Is An Interesting Fact About The Whitie Tree
The whitie tree has nitrogen fixing nodules in its roots. So this tree actually improves the soil it is growing in. It is for this reason that it is frequently grown as a shade crop for coffee trees in commercial coffee plantations.
Whitie Fruit In Guyana
The whitie fruit is enjoyed by many here in Guyana and around the world. It has many health benefits and is rich in nutrients. Its flavor is that of vanilla ice cream and so it acts as a healthy substitute.
Article References:
Photo Credit: Stacey Dos Santos Rahaman (,