The place where the teachers are trained and in turn, these same teachers are facilitating the education of our nation. The CPCE abides by the motto “Committed to providing the formal education system with academically and professionally trained teachers at the Nursery, Primary and Secondary levels”. It is an institution whereby teachers are trained for a period of time before teaching students at the various schools.
Origin of CPCE
The Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) previously known as the Teachers’ Training Centre(TTC) was founded in September 1928. Prior to this institution, local teachers were trained at Mico University College in Antigua, Shortwood Teachers College in Jamaica and Rawle College in Barbados. The trainees endeavored in pursuing a full-time programme. Moreover, in 1942, the institution was renamed Government Training College for teachers (GTC).
In 1963, in addition to the full-time programme referred to as pre-service, a part-time programme known as In-Service was launched. The Pre-Service programme catered to students between the ages of 17 and 24, while the In-Service mode catered to those above the age of 24 together with relevant teaching experience.
Pre Service Secondary began in January 1969 which was referred to as the Multilateral Teachers’ Training Programme. Thereafter, it was called the College for Secondary Teachers and renamed the Lillian Dewar College of Education in honour of a woman who had given distinctive service to secondary education in Guyana.
Furthermore, in 1974, GTC moved to newly completed building at Turkeyen. It was then renamed the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) in honour of Robert Cyril Gladstone Potter. Mr. Potter was the first Guyanese principal of the institution being a distinguished Guyanese educator. The In-Service Nursery Training (NNTP) started in 1980 and by 1983, all training of teachers was done at the Turkeyen Campus. Further, in September 1985, pre-service and in-service training activities were amalgamated under one administrative body – the Cyril Potter College of Education.
Moreover, the CPCE’s Student Development Centre has implemented the Pastoral Care Initiative. This programme was introduced in December 2015. The students are afforded a one on one interaction with lecturers and volunteers to discuss whatever issues each student may want to ventilate whether it be academic or personal so that they can receive help.
This initiative was executed with the understanding that the institution, including administrative and academic staff, cannot appear nor operate in a mechanical manner by not acknowledging that hundreds of students may need additional support.
This was promoted with an individualistic approach since all students cannot be helped with a ‘one size fits all’ tactic.

Over 300 Trained Teachers graduate from the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE)
Teachers are trained principally by the Cyril Potter College of Education, which offers a two-year program for those entering the nursery and primary schools and a three-year program for those aiming to become secondary or vocational teachers. For one to be accepted, all applicants must pass four subjects of which must include English and mathematics on the CXC examination or a qualifying level on the General Certificate of Education examination. For this to occur a fee is required, and each student must agree to serve the government for five years after graduation. For the teachers to be certified they must have 85 percent attendance in all subjects. The course lasts 20 hours a week and programs include topics such as study skills and the teaching of reading. Lectures are given on the English language, mathematics, music, and moral education and guidance. Gender-free teaching skills and gender sensitivity training are also part of the curriculum.
At the end of the programme graduates earn a teaching certificate from the Cyril Potter College of Education. Between 1995 and 2000, more than 2,200 trained teachers graduated from this college, though many of them chose to teach in private schools or in foreign countries. This was due to higher wages and better working conditions. Female students are the majority in the college, especially in the nursery, primary, and secondary programs. The college also has programs for untrained teachers and programs for upgrading teachers in the remote areas of the republic.
Teachers may also be trained at the University of Guyana, which offers courses in education that lead to a diploma, bachelor’s degree, or a master’s degree. The university works closely with the Cyril Potter College, and both programs are supervised by the Ministry of Education, which also places graduates. The Lilian Dewar College of Education, which specializes in training secondary teachers, was founded in response to the growing need for secondary teachers.
Upon completion of students are expected to serve the people and Government of Guyana for a specified contractual period. Trained teachers will be placed at a school in any part of Guyana where there is need for their service.
Programmes offered
Priority for Programme 1 would be given to applicants who are:
- Currently serving in the Education System.
- From riverine and hinterland areas.
- Desirous of pursuing secondary training in critical areas such as Mathematics, Home Economics, Industrial Technology, Information Technology, Modern Languages, Science, Music Education.Other applicants will be selected based on the needs of the Administrative Region in which they intend to serve following successful completion of their studies.
NB: Available in Regions 1, 7, 8 and 9.
Article References