The Sponge gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca) also called the Luffa or Loofah gourd or Nenwah as its commonly called in Guyana is a member of the Curcurbitaceae (cucumber) family. It is widely used as a vegetable in many Asian and African countries. It is one of the most popular vegetables of India. Matured nenwahs are also used as a bath or kitchen sponge after being processed to remove everything but the network of xylem.
Where Did Nenwah Come From?
The exact origins of nenwah are not known, but the plant is native to Asia, where it grows naturally in areas such as India, the Philippines and Myanmar. It was grown commercially in Japan in 1890, and was brought to the American tropics from there. Today, nenwah is found in most tropical and subtropical regions of the world, such as in Africa, South and Central America (Guyana) and growing widely throughout Asia, especially in China and Japan.

Nenwah Husk |
Description Of Nenwah
Nenwah is a cylindrical fruit that grows on a climbing, herbaceous vine. It has a smooth, green skin when young, and may feature ridges or ridge lines that run across the skin of the fruit. Nenwah grows up to 60 centimeters long, but is harvested as a vegetable when it is young and tender, at around 12 centimeters in length. It contains many seeds, which can be around 1.5 centimeters in length. The seeds are also edible but are usually removed before the flesh is eaten. The interior flesh of the nenwah is smooth and creamy-white. It has a mild, zucchini-like sweet taste and a silky texture. Mature fruits are not tasty, being fibrous, bitter and brown.
Nutritional Value Of Nenwah
Nenwah (Sponge Gourd) contains various antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, nutrients and lipids. It is an excellent source of Vitamin A and carbohydrates. It is also a very good source of Vitamin B5, Manganese, Potassium, Copper, Total dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Magnesium.
Here Are 10 Impressive Health Benefits Of Nenwah
- Prevents eye ailments – Vitamin A prevents from the macular degeneration that leads to the blindness. The study conducted by the National Eye Institute shows that those who took vitamin C, vitamin A, copper, vitamin E and zinc, their chances of macular degeneration was decreased by 25% in a six year period. The study also shows that the eye drops of Vitamin A effectively treat the dry eyes. Including Vitamin A rich food nenwah fruit in your daily diet may help to reduce eye ailments.
- Cardiovascular benefits – Vitamin B5 in 900 mg dose helps to reduce the bad cholesterol as well as triglycerides which reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease. As 900 mg dosage is the higher amount, one should consult the physician before taking.
- Prevent diabetes – Manganese is essential for the production of digestive enzymes which is responsible for a process called gluconeogenesis. The research conducted by the Department of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry showed that mice that were given the manganese, their glucose tolerance were improved in 12 weeks. The manganese promoted the secretion of insulin, reduce the lipid peroxidation and enhance the mitochondrial function.
- Prevents muscle pain – Potassium balances the fluid levels and helps to relax muscles. The low presence of potassium leads to the muscle cramps, spasms and pain. It assists to break down the protein and carbs on which the muscle depends for the repair and energy.
- Reduce arthritis – Copper provides anti-inflammatory properties which soothe stiffness and pain which is related to arthritis. It is able to assist with muscular strength, repair connective tissue. The people with arthritis wear copper bands or bracelets as it is believed that the copper can reduce the painful symptoms.
- Treat Anemia – Vitamin B6 is essential to produce hemoglobin in the blood which helps to transport the oxygen to the cells and mobilizes iron. Anemia is the result of inadequate red blood cells. The patients of anemia might experience these symptoms such as aches, fatigue and pain. The study shows that the consumption of Vitamin B6 in adequate amount reduces the symptoms of anemia and prevents its occurring.
- Skin health – The study shows that high intake of Vitamin C can reduce the skin dryness, wrinkles and slows down the aging process. Vitamin C is essential for the production of protein to form tendons, skin, blood vessels and ligaments. It assists in the healing process of wound and also forms a scar tissue.
- Migraine headaches – The inadequate amount of magnesium is related to migraine headaches. Magnesium assists to balance the neurotransmitters in the body. The study which was published in Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics showed that the dose of 300 milligrams of magnesium lowers the recurrence of migraine headaches.
- Brain function – Oxygen is required for the brain to function properly. The brain results to poor memory, apathy and decrease productivity in the absence of iron as the brain won’t receive oxygen. The deficiency of iron leads to restless, irritation and inattentive.
- Type 2 diabetes – The food rich in magnesium helps to reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes because magnesium is essential for glucose metabolism. The dose of 100 milligrams of magnesium in a day reduces the chances of diabetes by 15 percent.
Culinary Uses Of Nenwah
- The buds, flowers and young fruits are consumed as okra or squash after cooking.
- The Nenwah fruit could be either sautéed in a little oil or sliced in a stir fry.
- The flowers could be added to the salads.
- In stir-fried dishes and soups, nenwah could be added as an ingredient.
- The skin could be used to make chutneys.
- It could be stir fried or used in curry as a vegetable.
Traditional Uses Of Nenwah
- The fruit is used as a tonic to the genital organs, beneficial to the intestines, demulcent and cooling or warming to the stomach.
- The dried fruit is used as an emetic after steeped.
- In Java, juice of the leaf is used to cure amenorrhea whereas, the people of India is used to treat snake bites and dysentery.
- In Philippines, the skin diseases and orchitis are treated by using the leaves. The seeds are used as cathartic, emetic and hydragogue.
- The infusion made from the seeds is used as an anthelmintic drastic and purgative. The extracts of root and vine are helpful for tooth decay, ozoena and parasitic affections. The extract from leaves helps to induce labor during childbirths in Western Uganda.
Precautions: Pregnant and breast feeding women should consume it in food amounts and the excessive intake of Luffa Fruit should be avoided.
About Nenwah
Nenwah is a member of the cucumber family. It is one of the most popular vegetables of India. The matured nenwahs are also used as a bath or kitchen sponge here in Guyana and around the world after being processed to remove everything but the network of xylem. the Nenwah fruit has many health benefits and traditional uses and is consume by many worldwide.
Note: Are GOURDS Fruit, or Vegetable? They are without a doubt, botanically speaking, a fruit, because gourds are a type of squash, and a squash, is a fruit because their seeds grow on the inside, and so do gourd seeds! Legally however, and unfortunately this is what we have to go by, a gourd is a vegetable.
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