Behind every academic success, there is a unique and exciting story of hard work, sacrifice, dedication, and in most cases, a relentless and challenging journey of overcoming adversities in every sense of the term. This has been the case for Savitree Budram, who emerged as the Valedictorian for the University of Guyana’s Berbice Campus.

Savitree Budram
36-year-old Budram read for a Bachelor of Education (Administration-Secondary) and was given the nod as the Valedictorian after securing a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0. A teacher by profession, Budram was born and raised in the Cinderella County of Essequibo. She recalled the many difficult times she was forced to grapple with as a child.
“My father passed away when I was very small, and, along with my sister, we were left to be cared for by my mother,” she explained, adding that this placed an additional burden on the family.
Budram’s educational journey started at C. V. Nunes Primary, and after writing the then Common Entrance Examinations, she was awarded a place at the nation’s top Secondary school, Queen’s College.
“My mom could not have afforded to send me, so I was transferred to Anna Regina Secondary, where I obtained my secondary education,” she said.
During her teenage years, Budram developed a love for Mathematics and Science and aspired to have a career in the medical field, but due to financial constraints, this was not possible.
However, in January 2001, she joined the teaching profession and recognized the need for her academic and professional development and, as such, got enrolled at Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) in the said year.
The mother of three, who now resides in Berbice, further explained that after starting her family life, she felt that the responsibilities of a wife and mother were of utmost importance and as such did not entertain thoughts of attending the University of Guyana.
Budram detailed that in 2014, she decided that it was time she moved up the ladder of the teaching profession and began reading for a Degree in Mathematics.
However, this was short-lived as not long after, she was involved in an accident that left her bed-ridden for months, and it was uncertain whether she would ever walk again.
“I never lost hope and was thankful that I had a second chance in life. This became the principle of my existence, and I vowed to never waste a day in my life, and in 2017, I commenced my studies at UGBC,” the determined scholar related.
Budram, in her valedictorian speech, detailed the challenges in completing her final year of studies.
“Three years ago, we pursued our studies with many uncertainties, but we persevered. Then just when we thought we had it all figured out and the finish line was within our sight, COVID – 19 sprung upon us as an unimaginable force and robbed us of physical space at UG. We felt that it was unfair, but as Bill Gates observed, ‘life is unfair, so get used to it.’ And we had to confront and outmaneuver the COVID monster because we wanted to reach this milestone.”
The young educator added: “We have had sleepless nights completing the steady flow of assignments, preparing for presentations, reading handouts, and we even had exams that activated all our brain cells. My fellow graduates, I can relate to your distraught feelings, having to move abruptly from classroom sessions to sitting in our homes staring at computer screens or just listening to the lecturers’ voices emanating from speakers and the recordings. But we did not surrender. Instead, like true warriors, we defied the odds and triumphed”.
Budram, who is presently attached to Rosignol Secondary School as Senior Mistress, plans to pursue a Master’s Degree in Education in the near future.