Broccoli is an edible, cruciferous green vegetable that resembles cauliflower. Broccoli is typically an imported produce in Guyana. However, in recent years the vegetable has been produced on a small scale locally. Whether imported or grown right in the country, Broccoli has a high market value, which means that it can be expensive. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) belongs to the same group of vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli which are all grown in Guyana with varying degrees of success.
The word broccoli is derived from the Italian word ‘broccolo’ which is plural and means the flowering crest of a cabbage. It is also a form of ‘brocco’, which means sprout or small nail. Sprouting broccoli (either white or purple), purple cauliflower also known as violet cauliflower and calabrese broccoli, named after a region in southern Italy, are the three (3) commonly grown varieties of Broccoli. Other types include Belstar, Coronado Crown, Blue Wind, DiCicco, Green Goliath, Destiny, Green Magic, Romanesco, Purple Sprouting, Waltham 29, and Sun King. Read on to find out about the uses and potential health benefits of this dark green vegetable.

Broccoli – Photo by liz west via Flickr
Where Did Broccoli Come From?
It is believed that Broccoli originated in the Roman Empire but the species was improved in Italy, specifically the Southern Italian Peninsula or Sicily from where it spread globally. The vegetable later spread by Italian immigrants to Europe in the eighteenth (18th) century and North America in the nineteenth (19th) century. Local farmers in Guyana have been experimenting with Broccoli production in recent years, resulting in a fair amount of success.
Description Of Broccoli
Broccoli is an annual or biennial plant that can grow as tall as one (1) metre high. This, however, depends on its variety. The herbaceous plant with a thick, green stem. The plant has dense, leathery, oblong leaves varying from grey-blue to shades of green. The plant is also cultivated for its dark green flower heads, which branch out like a tree. These are typically covered with a large number of either yellow or white flowers.
Interesting Tip
- Broccoli produced in Guyana typically light green in colour.
Nutrition Facts of Broccoli
Per one hundred (100) g Broccoli contains thirty- four (34) calories. It is also a great source of fibre, Vitamin C (107% DV) and Vitamin K (97% DV, Vitamin B complex, and the dietary mineral manganese. Raw broccoli contains eighty-nine percent (89%) water, seven (7%) carbohydrates, three (3%) protein.
13 Health Benefits Of Broccoli
- Contains Antioxidants – Antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin contained in Broccoli helps to prevent cell damage by free radicals and oxidative stress. It also contains glucoraphanin, a compound that is converted into a potent antioxidant.
- May Reduce Inflammation – Bioactive compounds found in Broccoli helps to reduce inflammation in tissues in your body.
- May Help To Prevent Cancer – Eating this vegetable is believed to prevent certain types of cancer including, breast, gastric, prostate, renal, and bladder.
- Antioxidants and Fiber May Aid Blood Sugar Control – Being high in fibre, it is believed that Broccoli may help in the controlling of blood sugar in diabetics.
- May Support Heart Health – Studies have shown that powdered Broccoli supplement reduces triglycerides ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol while simultaneously raising ‘good’ HDL cholesterol levels in people.
- Improves Digestion and Reduces Constipation – Rich in both fibre and antioxidants, Broccoli helps to maintain healthy digestive function and bowel movements.
- Supports Healthy Brain Function – Mental decline associated with ageing can be slowed by eating dark green vegetables like broccoli. This is due to the nutrients and bioactive compounds in Broccoli which supports health brain and nervous tissues function.
- May Slow Down Ageing Process – Sulforaphane, a key bioactive compound found in Broccoli may increase the expression of antioxidant genes thus slowing down the ageing process.
- Supports Immune System – Broccoli contains a lot of Vitamin C, an essential nutrient in treating and preventing a number of illnesses.
- May Prevent Oral Diseases – Both Calcium and Vitamin C found in Broccoli decreases the risk of periodontal disease. Additionally, kaempferol, a flavonoid may also prevent periodontitis. Sulforaphane also found in broccoli may reduce the risk of oral cancers.
- Contributes To Healthy Pregnancies – The regular consumption of Broccoli may help during pregnancy. Folate, otherwise known as B9, a main component of the B vitamins is found in relatively large amounts in the Broccoli vegetables. Folate is especially needed for the development of the foetus and its brain and spinal cord.
- Protects From Sun Damage – The bioactive compounds in found inBroccoli may protect against ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage caused by the sun.
- Promotes Healthy Bones and Joints – Because this dark green vegetable is rich in Vitamin K and Calcium, it may contribute to healthy bones. Additionally, sulforaphane also found in Broccoli may help to prevent osteoarthritis.
Culinary Uses Of Broccoli
- The heads of Broccoli can be eaten fresh in salads.
- Broccoli and be steamed and eaten.
- It can also be boiled or dried.
- In Guyana, Broccoli is typically prepared in a stir fry.
Other Uses of Broccoli
- The parts of Broccoli growing above the ground are used to make medicine.
- Broccoli vegetable is used to help prevent all types of cancer.
- Broccoli, in some cases is even used to boost the immune system.
Broccoli Production in Guyana
The vegetable is becoming a local favourite even though it is produced on a tiny scale in Guyana. Many Guyanese are not too keen on consuming the vegetable due to its retail price. Because the vegetable is challenging to grow in Guyana’s tropical temperatures and weather conditions, Broccoli fetches a high price on the local market. Some farmers struggle with obtaining Broccoli seeds and other necessities to plant them which may also contribute to its high price. Due to the lack of market, and cold storage facilities, some of the produce perish.
About Broccoli
Typically imported from overseas, Broccoli is a high-value crop with lots of vitamins and minerals, just like most dark green vegetables. The vegetable can easily be distinguished by its cluster of dark green buds. Broccoli has a number of potential health benefits including preventing oral diseases and improving digestive and heart health.
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