Creamy, sweet and soothing – that precisely suits the famous styles of custards served in Guyana. Custards can be made in a variety of ways; it varies from country to country. This article will discuss two ways custard is made in Guyana but what is most interesting is that they taste the complete opposite yet they are both scrumptious. Yes, one is cold and the other can be served hot! It’s incredible how distinct they are in texture and taste but have the same name – custard. Read on to decide which one you would prefer.

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What Is Custard?
Custard is a milk-based or cream dish that is thickened with egg yolks it. Sometimes other ingredients like gelatin, flour, and corn starch may be added. The consistency or thickness of custard varies from a thin sauce called crème anglaise to a pastry cream known crème pâtissièreas which is the typical filling for éclairs. However, the most common use is in dessert sauces or as dessert, often including vanilla and sugar. Additionally, there is a savoury custard called quiche In Guyana, Custard is made in two different ways – custard block and baked custard.
Guyanese Custard Block
Custard block is a frozen treat that has the texture of a block of ice. It takes a really long time to melt but once it does it becomes creamy, slushy and simply delicious Some of the flavours that overtake you while eating is the cinnamon mixed with hints of nutmegs; once that hits your taste buds you always seem to light up. This is a common treat made by mothers for their children, it’s also sold in little icicle bags at school canteens, yes, the children just love it.
Custard Block
- 4 tbsp custard powder
- 4 tbsp powdered milk
- 2 tins (354 ml ) evaporated milk
- 1 tins ( 150 ml ) condensed milk
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 1 1/2 stick cinnamon
- 8 cloves
- nutmeg, grated
- water
- Pour tins of milk into a large bowl and mix.
- Stir in the remaining ingredients and make sure everything dissolved properly.
- Add mixture to a pot and boil on low heat.
- Continue stirring until the mixture gets thick.
- Remove from heat and pour into a container to freeze and allow to cool.
- After cooling, put to free for at least 7 hours.
Guyanese Baked Custard
Guyanese baked custard resembles and is similar to the famous crème brulee but it has its own twist to it. The custard can be steamed or baked and it can be served hot or cold – whichever you desire. The steamed custard is cooked in a bain-marie (a water bath) which tends to be creamier with a very thin layer of crust at the top. On the other hand, to bake custard you simply put the dish containing the custard on a sheet pan and bake it. A custard baked dry tends to form a somewhat thicker crust at the top and browns all around – at the sides and bottom of the custard, creating really yummy bits for eating pleasure. The texture could be firmer than the bain-marie cooked custard but it can be controlled if you remove the custard from the oven just before it is done cooking so that the carry-over heat can finish cooking the custard outside of the oven.
Tip: Since custards are usually smooth and creamy, low heat helps to keep the eggs in the mixture from curdling.
Baked Custard
- 1 cup milk
- 1 large eggs
- 1/16 teaspoon salt
- 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
- nutmeg, grated
Method for baking:
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
- Line a baking sheet with foil.
- Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
- Bake for 40 minutes, or until custard is firm.
- Allow to cool before serving, or serve warm.
Did You Know? Baked custard is a delicate dessert in Guyana that is served at parties, events, weddings and functions. It is a treat to many and they relish it!
Custards In Guyana
Truly, the baked and block custard in Guyana are two of the most creamy and delicious custards around. Although they stand out in their diverse flavour and texture, the taste of each is similarly incredible. These simple, mouthwatering desserts are sure to get your taste buds up and running, you will enjoy it and your children will delight in eating it as well. So, whichever you choose – frozen or baked – one thing you are sure of, you will be satisfied with the flavours of these delectable treats!
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Last Updated: 2020-07-16
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