Twenty-two-year-old Joylyn Conway is currently on a mission to make an impact through STEM advocacy. Conway is a proud Berbician and a Natural Science enthusiast, holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and a minor in Biology from the University of Guyana.

Miss World Guyana 2019, Joylyn Conway – Photo Credit: Keron Bruce
She is currently a Lecturer attached to the New Amsterdam Technical Institute.
Conway founded the STEM girls glow initiative for her Beauty with a Purpose (BWAP) platform while competing in the 2019 Miss World competition. This initiative aims to empower girls and let them know that they too can have careers in male-dominated fields.
Conway hosted several camps and outreach programmes, where she taught girls how to perform science experiments, and gave career and academic guidance. When asked about how she shines her light, Conway said;
“Through my ‘STEM Girl Glow Initiative,’ and profession – This initiative focuses on lights (role models, parents, teachers) guiding girls to enter STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields of study and careers, and more so to stay the course, while teaching them to discover their own light, and instilling that the radiance of their natural and God-given light is sufficient to have them glow beyond the stereotypes.”
She continued, “The initiative aims to target girls that reside in rural communities and small towns. These are smart girls – either by the books or skills – are oftentimes overlooked because of their geographical location, resulting in them lacking exposure and being denied opportunities. Of late, not under the STEM Girl Glow Initiative but rather through my profession as a lecturer – I continue to shine my light in STEM Education. In the near future, I hope to continue these works under the umbrella of STEM Girl Glow.”
Conway confessed that her life’s purpose is to empower girls in stem. She stated, “I believe all girls deserve a chance at knowing she can imagine, inspire and invent.”
Comparing the quality of education and availability of resources to that of the hinterland and the coastland, Joylyn noted that a “gap clearly exists.”
“Once upon a time, I was a girl on the less fortunate side of that gap. As such, with the help of many giants in my life I strive and still striving to become the change I wish to see.”
She added, “I want young people, especially young women, to be knowledgeable and experience the possibilities beyond the confines of their community, and hopefully return to shine their light, resulting in a positive ripple effect – as I am striving to accomplish through my Initiative and profession, ” and as such she was motivated to shine her light.”
Joylyn said her greatest challenge has been to keep going, “despite the challenges that arise.”
I, wouldn’t say, I’ve overcome it since I have no control over challenges, rather when they arise I remind myself of why I’m doing it! The purpose I believe God has for me, the sacrifices of my giants, how far I’ve come, and most importantly the growth I saw and continue to see in some of our STEM Girls and that of my students.
Aspire to Inspire before you expire – is Joylyn’s mantra – it embodies everything she strives to do and become.
“You gotta wanna succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful,” a quote coined by Eric Thomas keeps Conway motivated, despite the challenges that may arise.