Far too many people don’t excel in life because they are too afraid of taking the necessary steps to achieve their dreams. Some manifest fear as a safeguard from failure; others don’t even try, believing that they are restricted by limits, while too many get caught up in the status quo.

Novotna Robinson
But despite all that life has thrown at her, Novotna Nastacia Crystal Robinson continues to defy the odds in her quest for success.
On the 27th of December 1991, Novotna was born at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) to parents Sharonda Caesar and Paul Robinson.
I am the only child for my mother and the only girl for my father. I grew up with my mother and my grandmother, whom I love so dearly. We moved a lot growing up from South Rd to Thomas St to Chapel St and now Guyhoc Park. I have 2 brothers, and since they reside in the US, I grew up as an only child, and I was somewhat privileged.
She attended the Alpha Bees Play School, the Starter’s Nursery School, and then the Stella Maris Primary School. After completing her primary education, Novotna was awarded a spot at the St. Joseph High School.
In 2008, Novotna wrote the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and passed in Mathematics, English language, English Literature, Social Studies, Integrated Science, Visual Arts, and Design and History.
She then moved on to the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) and successfully passed in Caribbean Law, Caribbean Studies, and Communication Studies.
However, with the fire burning inside to pursue a better quality of education even at a tender age, Novotna completed studies in Microsoft Word and Excel through Computer World. Last year, the mother of two attained a certificate from USAID in Basic Life and Employability Skills.
“I was informed that they were online courses being offered through the Ministry of Education and Coursera. Now I have 9 certificates, and I’m currently on my 10th. I also want to push for 15. Also, I’m completing a course in Renewable Energy.”
But if you ever met Novotna, there are two things you will be able to point out. Firstly, she always wears a broad smile on her face and is always ready to assist when called upon.
These qualities have led her to 12 years in customer service and had landed her a position as an operations supervisor at Teleperformance Guyana.
She also worked at Clear Connect, Qualfon, and the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). She is currently gainfully employed at the Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co. Ltd.
Being a mom of 2 and juggling a full-time job as well as completing online and zoom classes are a bit challenging, but it’s also rewarding because I feel privileged to be given the opportunity to work from home. Also, I keep in mind that it will all pay off in the long run for the betterment of myself and my kids.
She added that she loves spending quality time with her kids and likes to see herself as a supermom. This bubbly woman said that her passion lies within customer service.
I love interacting with people, and I also love the feeling of helping others. I am also passionate about becoming the better version of myself and also being a great mom.
We would have established that the 29-year-old woman grew up with her grandmother. Over the time she spent with her, they grew an unbreakable bond. However, on March 6, 2020, Novotna’s life was broken into many small pieces after receiving the news that her grandmother passed away.
One thing I would change about my life is the passing of my grandmother, we were very close, and her death really hit me hard. I’ve faced depression and anxiety, and to this day, it isn’t easy. I miss her so much, but I keep in mind that I will someday see her again.
Nevertheless, she is working to put those pieces together and be that supermom for her children.
Thus far, she would have completed certificates Six Sigma Advanced Define and Measure Phases, Six Sigma and the Organization (Advanced), Six Sigma Tools for Analyze, Six Sigma Principles, Recruiting, Hiring and Onboarding Employees, Managing Employee Compensation, Managing Employee Performance, Preparing to Manage Human Resources, Six Sigma and the Organization (Basic) through Coursera.

Novotna Robinson
She is in the process of completing Six Sigma Tools for Improve and Control.
I have specializations in both yellow and green belts for Six Sigma. The courses I’ve done are all related to my field, and I want to better my field and also move up in management.
Novotna hopes to one day open her small business. She said that she would like to leave a legacy and be remembered as a passionate and successful business owner.
I used to sell children’s clothes, and as such, my dream is to have it as a registered successful business. Also, I am a great cook, so I envision myself owning a food business as well.