It is never easy running the show, especially when you are starting a new business. As a young entrepreneur, you might hear people criticize your ideas or second-guess your plans.

Kristel Whaul
Some will criticize you personally, discouraging you from pursuing your dreams. However, your place in the business world depends on how you navigate the obstacles in your way.
Rather than allowing harsh criticisms to hamper her from reaching her dreams, 23-year-old Kristel Whaul used it as a stepping stone to bloom her small business “Kristel’s Fashion.”
Reflecting on her childhood, Kristel was born on the 16th of August 1997, at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) to parents Bibi and Christopher Whaul. She grew up in the village of Agricola, Greater Georgetown, with her siblings.
Growing up was challenging for me; I grew up seeing my parents going all out to ensure myself and my siblings were always comfortable. It was nothing big and fancy, but they always try to make us happy.
She attended the St. Agnes Primary School, then the North Ruimveldt Secondary School, where she completed her Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations. She then went to Nations University, where she is presently reading for her Diploma in Marketing.
“I completed my introduction courses where I scored two merits and two passes, and I am presently awaiting my first two exam results, in which I have four more to complete before achieving my diploma in Marketing,” the young woman said.
The young entrepreneur revealed that she always had the idea of launching “Kristel’s Fashion” but didn’t dare to push through and make it a reality.
However, one day, an individual said to her, “stop wasting your time behind something that’s not worth it. People will never support you.“ Those sentiments hit Kristel so hard that she realized it was time to take a leap of faith and push through despite all odds.
Right there, I felt as though it was my time to take all the negative talks and use it as my motivation to make it happen for me. I went straight into research mode with the support of my sweetheart and family, and I started to create logos, a platform where my business can reach persons, business cards, banners, etc. I was determined to make my business a reality, and so I never and will never stop working towards it.
With many doubts, the enterpriser launched her business on 30th October 2018. Persons can place an order and have their items delivered within two weeks, Kristel said. She added that they offer customized t-shirts and tutu, bags, clothing, accessories, hair, among others.
Looking around, I see lots of young people like myself offering similar services, but at Kristel’s Fashion, we are set up to make our customers feel happy and confident about themselves as it relates to fashion. We have an amazing packaging system where we always have a token for customers with each purchase.
The young lady credited her success to God, who she said guided and provided her with the necessary knowledge and opportunity needed to launch her business.
My sweetheart Mark, my daughter Krisette, parents, siblings, and close friends who supported me in every way possible.
A woman of many talents, Kristel has donned multiple hats, but the most prominent of them have been an entrepreneur, a banker, and most importantly, being the mother of Krisette Hazlewood.
The businesswoman would like to encourage everyone reading her article, “Giving up is never an option. Follow your heart and make your dreams a reality.”
- Kristel Whaul
- Kristel’s Fashion
- Kristel celebrating cancer survivors
Kristel hopes to have a store where her customers can walk-in and shop in a comfortable and happy environment while being assisted with a high level of excellent customer service.
Contact Information for Kristel’s Fashion
- WhatsApp: 592 690 – 2176
- Facebook Page: Kristel’s Fashion
- Instagram Page: Kristels_Fashion_Offical