Kimalie Shion George was born to parents Sparkle Burke George and Kimo George on 28th of April, 1998. She is the eldest child of her parents, with a younger brother and sister. Her passion for all things science began sometime during her younger years when she and her childhood best friend would pretend they were scientists. Growing up in the community of East Ruimveldt, imagination was sometimes the most you had to work with. Nevertheless, Kimalie pursued her dreams, everchanging as they were. George attended Ascension Nursery but later transferred to Liana Nursery. After six years at Saint Pius Primary, she moved on to St. Stanislaus College in 2010 where her love for Chemistry was ignited. But wasn’t until she started studying at the University of Guyana, did her plans on becoming a Chemist solidified.

Kimalie George – Founder and CEO of Elite Brandz
I grew up in a very poor community, emphasis on poor and its a community where a lot of persons never graduated from Secondary School, many dropouts and a high level of teenage pregnancy. Also, I was surrounded by many individuals that never had a dream. Just a few but theirs were limited probably to owning a bus to make money. While I was that child that never spoke or mention my dreams because it often laughed at or I was told its an impossible one, as they said, “Things like this don’t come out of hay.” But thanks to my parents and my grandmother, they were always there and kept pushing me. They were my support system. Elders or your parents would tell you what they want you to become. Its always this my doctor, or my lawyer or she gun wuk in the bank and get nuff money. And not knowing enough, you would just aspire to be what they want you to be.
Kimalie George fulfilling her secretarial duties.
Many persons have questioned and continue to question Kimalie’s decision of majoring in Chemistry at the University of Guyana. However, she persists and fully intends to manage both careers as a Chemist and businesswoman. She is a well-rounded individual, with a love for public speaking. Growing up, she wanted to become everything possible. And even now, she refuses to be labelled as just a ‘chemist or an ‘entrepreneur’. She aims to add many other titles to her name. Apart from being a Chemistry student and a businesswoman, Kimalie volunteers at the Salvation Army. She is currently the secretary and Faculty Representative of the University of Guyana. She is also a Youth Leader and loves meeting with fellow young people and interacting with them and helping in their development.
I’m always eager to learn and during my development and exposure, I realised its not just a doctor or lawyer or accountant there is to offer in the world and thus this where my root for Chemistry grew. Every stage of my life my career choices changed as frequently as night turn into day. Once I wanted to be a gynecologist, then a geologist, a head teacher, a nurse etc. When I started attending Saints, my career choice was not clear. In third form I wanted to become a lawyer since my best friend was interested in the field. Then my integrated science teacher chose myself and a few colleagues to be apart of STEM Guyana inter school competition. This is where my passion for Science grew and ignited. But again which field to major was still unclear.
Her journey to becoming a Chemist
Although during her childhood, she loved pretending to be a scientist, when she started St. Stanislaus College she was unsure of what she wanted to do. Because of all the noise around her, of persons telling her what career path she should choose or who she should become, Kimalie has some difficulty in choosing her area of study. That was until her Integrated Science teacher chose her and a few colleagues to be apart of STEM Guyana inter-school competition. Her passion for Science was reignited. She was considering furthering her studies in Dentistry until she was twice declined admission. It was a good thing, for her acceptance into the field of Chemistry allowed this young woman to continue her development.

An aspiring Chemist – Kimalie George next to the Periodic Table
On her love for chemistry:
Chemistry opened many doors for me. I realised how diverse it is and thus where my true passion came to life. Even though its a field that many felt threatened due to its work load, its a stream that builds many bridges to all fields. Its connected to math, medicine, engineering and business. Its where persons like myself can become everything or have many titles to their name by majoring in one field. I aspire to be a pharmaceutical Chemist. It will allow me to be in all the fields I love. Business, medicine and engineering. I’m still surprised that I’m majoring in this field. Since chemistry was a subject that I hated and here I am. The benefits for studying and majoring in chemistry include: Gaining vital skills in research, critical thinking and writing, and collaborative problem solving which are essential to success in the career marketplace today.
Elite Brandz
Kimalie George is a creative and industrious twenty-one (21) year old with entrepreneurial skills, not just a passion for medicine. Elite Brandz is the brainchild of Kimalie George-a spontaneous business venture. Lucky for them Ms. Kimalie George, the founder and CEO of Elite Brandz had lots of experience in the field. She believed that our Guyanese people deserved better customer service and the convenience of shopping online. Ms. Remove featured imageGeorge made use of her entrepreneurial skills and implemented her plan on providing Guyanese with a better alternative of shopping online. The name Elite Brandz was suggested by Tariq Dehnert. Elite Brandz opened for business in August 2019, with the support of close relatives and friends. This online shopping and service growing fast and forming strong bonds with their customers – their primary goal. When you hear the word ‘elite’ you think high class and the best, which is exactly what Elite Brandz is. Elite is not just a brand, but an experience.
Contact Information of Elite Brandz
- Telephone: 592-647-3323
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook Page: Elite Brandz
- Instagram Page: elite.brandz
- Founder and CEO: Kimalie George
Kimalie George is currently a final year student at the University of Guyana where she is a Chemistry student. She intends to manage both careers as a businesswoman and chemist. Kimalie is proving that “things like this” do come from her village. In fact, as long as you have a dream and you have the persistence to make it come through, you can make it anywhere. She is just one of our Guyanese youths striving to achieve her goals while pursuing her dreams.