Narindra Shivnauth is a professional Guyanese photographer who practices many types of photography including portrait, landscape and creative. He started off simple, snapping photos of objects, then the Hindu temple he attends and his family and friends. But what started off as a hobby soon blossomed into a passion, which he pursued with vigour. One key experience that fuelled his passion was a visit to the United States of America where he visited the Disney World and Orlando Universal Studio, all dynamic, and overflowing with creativity. Soon after he bought a professional camera and began practising.
I continued to take pictures with simple objects, nature, etc. I then started to capture moments at the Hindu temple, with family and friends, etc. I realized that it was something I really wanted to get into so I worked and saved up to buy myself a camera which I did and I started to practice more and more each day.

Narindra Shivnauth
The twenty-five (25) year old is currently a student of Global Technology, where he is studying Graphic Design. Narindra does not limit himself to one type of photography but likes to experiment and practice his skills in a variety of areas. These include landscape photography, portrait photography, event photography, family photography, firework photography, food photography. Here are some of his shots:
Inspiration for Photography
Inspiration comes in many ways. As for Narindra, changes in the scenery, like during a photoshoot would produce new ideas. Sometimes he would seize random ideas as they pop into his head otherwise, his supporters share ideas for future shoots. One of his main source of inspiration is his friends who helped him to perform his creative shoots. Ideas alone are not enough for a successful photoshoot but requires some amount of research and planning ahead. Shivnauth spends hours poring over articles and doing research to improve his work, another one of his favourite thing to do.
I am also inspired by other photographers and captures that broaden my mind and gives me more ideas. My supporters are encouraging me and also sending ideas for future shoots. I gain inspiration from them. I try new things every day to improve my skills, capturing and editing photos. I strive to capture photos in a creative perspective with different poses, locations, lighting, and even the tiniest detail.
First I come up with the idea I would write it down, think about it and think of the materials I need. I would then think of a location for this idea and how everything should be positioned. From there I would do test shots, testing to see if anything has to be moved or adjusted with the background, light and materials. If everything is fine I then proceeded to capture what picture in my mind. I would take multiple shots and choose the best one and from there I proceed to editing and refining.
While this young photographer does many kinds of photography for work, his personal favourite is creative photography where he creates a concept from different ideas. Some of his creative shots:
- Photo by Narindra Shivnauth
- Narindra Shivnauth
- Slicing an apple – Photo by Narindra Shivnauth
- A Hungry Parrot – Photo by Narindra Shivnauth
- Mohan’s Popcorn -Photo by Narindra Shivnauth
Some of his hobbies include going to the gym, playing pools, video games and swimming. Like any good artist, Narindra sees art in the simplest things and has acquired the skills to bring it out to the world. During swimming outings, he sometimes does random photoshoots with his friends. Not only is he handy with a camera but with computers as well. He has studied Computer Science at the University of Guyana.
- Transportation of Sugar Cane
- Transportation of Sugar Cane
- Transportation of Sugar Cane
- Swinging – Photo by Narindra Shivnauth
Apart from photography, Shivnauth is an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna and regularly attends service at the Hare Krishna Temple in Crane. He has been exposed to this lifestyle as a child, and he continues to learn the teachings of the Bhagawat Gita and follow the principles of his religion.

Inside the Hare Krishna Temple
Narindra Shivnauth aspires to share his skills and knowledge with other photographers. In the meantime he works on learning something new every day, studying graphic design and researching ways to improve his photography skills. What makes his job worth it, is bringing ideas to life and capturing the moment in a frame. If you’re looking for a photographer for your next photoshoot you can contact Narindra aka Navin on his social media.
Contact Information of Narindra Shivnauth
- Facebook Page: N. Shivnauth Photography
- Facebook Profile: Le Navin
- Instagram: Le_navin
- Telephone #: 592 672-3157