Cool Square is a cool hangout spot in Georgetown, Guyana. The service always comes with a smile and the people ..
Keep reading“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little ..
Keep readingThe massacooraman is a huge, hairy, man-like creature that lives in rivers in the interior of Guyana. ..
Keep readingHere is my Famous Pepperpot Recipe ***Ingredients*** 2lb Goat Meat 3 pieces of Cinnamon sticks 8 cloves ..
Keep readingO beautiful Guyana O my lovely native land More dear to me than all the world Thy sea-washed, sun-kissed ..
Keep readingOle Higues are also known as “Fire Rass” or Angeli. The ole higue is always a woman. It is said that ..
Keep reading“Baccoo” may actually be derived from a Nigerian Yoruba entity called Abiku. The Abiku is the spirit ..
Keep reading“The Demerara Harbour Bridge is a 6,074-foot (1,851 m) long floating toll bridge. It was commissioned ..
Keep readingBorn in the land of the mighty Roraima, Land of great rivers and far stretching sea; So like the mountain, ..
Keep readingWith humble hearts and heads bowed down In thanks for each new day of toil We kneel before Thine altar, ..
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