Teen making hand painted face masks during COVID-19 pandemic

September 11, 2020

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), persons are now required to wear a face mask at all times when going out into public. While many of the older folks may settle for a plain mask, young people may want to add a little personality to their protective gear.

A few of the designs Ram has made for her customers. – Photo Credit: (Guyana Chronicle)

Sixteen-year-old, Grace Ram, has been using her creative talents to add a little flavour to face masks for persons who want to add their own personal touch to their protective gear.

The young woman who recently completed the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations noted that having been home for some time decided to put her creative abilities to good use by making and customising facemasks through painting.

After my exams, I was at home, and I would be bored the majority of the time. I had thought of starting to design masks so that way, I can find something to do other than watch television all day. Also, I enjoy doing art, so I look at designing masks as a fun leisure activity.

She noted that she pitched the idea to a few of her family members, one of whom is a seamstress, and urged her to pursue the small business venture.

So I went on Google, downloaded a few designs that I know I can do and posted it, and persons started to order right away. I was so excited. So the next day I went to town to get my materials, and that was how it all started.

The young woman noted that she borrowed some money from her parents, who supported her initiative to jump-start her business. Ram noted that the masks are made from 100 percent cotton material and are comfortable to wear and breathable.

Grace Ram – Photo Credit: (Guyana Chronicle)

Additionally, she said that because she uses fabric paints for her designs, the print or graphic designs she draws tends to last and stay longer on the fabric. The young woman noted that she has received a number of rave reviews from her small customer base, which is a big motivation to keep creating unique designs.

The response has been great so far; people like that it is comfortable and breathable, and the design is neatly done.

However, the young lady noted that she is open to having a career in the arts industry, which will make room for her to express her creative nature and share it with the rest of the world.

But before that, I would take any job that would teach me to become the person that I want to be, for example, accountant, even creative jobs like an event planner or interior designer, secretary, etc.…I have many talents, and I want to put them to use all together.

Ram, in the coming weeks, is hoping to enroll at the University of Guyana (UG), which she believes will one day take her now small business to higher heights and, ultimately, her own country-wide franchise.

Persons who are interested in having a customized face mask can contact Grace Ram on Instagram @ _masks.xoxo or @_gwacey.xoxo.

[Extracted and Modified from Guyana Chronicle]

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