The Bishops’ High School is ranked as the second Highest high school in Guyana (2019) and one of the most disciplined school in the region.
Origin of the school
The Bishops’ High School was founded in 1870 by the Anglican Church as a girls’ school. It then merged with Mrs. Vyfhuis’ school, also founded in 1870, and then with the DeSaffon school. Vyfhuis was offered headship of the combined schools in 1875. The school’s first home was at Brickdam and Manget Place, and then at “Minto House” on Waterloo Street. It later moved to “Lamaha House” at Carmichael and Lamaha Streets, the property of Bishop E.A. Parry.
In 1907, Bishop E.A. Parry moved the school to “Woodside House” (now known as “Transport House”) on Main Street, and it became known as “Woodside House School”. In 1921 the school moved to its present location at Carmichael and Murray (presently known as Quamina) streets. In 1922 Bishop E.A. Parry retired and the school then became known as “The Bishops’ High School”. Parry died in 1936 and the “Oswald Parry Hall” was opened at the school.
In January 1936, the school was handed over to the government of British Guiana. The new building was opened on January 5, 1946. The school celebrated its centennial in 1970 and became a co-educational institution in 1975. In 1995 Bishops’ High School celebrated its 125th anniversary.

School Choir – Bishops’ High |
The Bishops’ High School has two mottos.
“[Labor Omnia Vincit]” and ‘[What so ever thy hand findeth to do,do it with thy might,for there is no worth nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave wither though goest]’ ”
Houses and their colours
In the school systems students are grouped together for extra-curricular activities which is called house. These extra-curricular activities involve sports (both track and field) in which house is mostly associated with. At The Bishops’ High School, each house is named after a former headmistress.
- Allen House: golden yellow
- Baskett House: pink
- Dewar House: blue
- Vyfhuis House: mauve
- Wearn House: red
Dance Group – Bishops’ High |
The Bishops’ High School (Guyana) Alumni Association, Toronto Chapter
In 2005 the Board of Governors of the Alumni Association was re-instated. In the association all members of the Board are appointed by the Ministry of Education. The objectives of the Board are:
- To promote a more supportive home-school-community environment.
- To make the school community more accountable for the delivery of education.
- To encourage the community to be more responsive to the education of its young citizens
- To monitor and evaluate all aspects of school operations.
- To make optimal use of all available resources
One of the first Guyanese alumni associations established in Toronto, the Chapter has readily shared many of its pioneering endeavours with other emerging organizations in the community. Since its inception, BHSAA Toronto has established a network of
professionals, academics, financial and business consultants, and entrepreneurs who support one another, engage in joint projects and participate in the activities of other alumni and community organizations. In 2011 Bishops’ High School had a student body of over 600 individuals. That is a non-political Association affiliated to the Bishops’ High School Old Students’ Association in Georgetown, Guyana. The Alumni Association are one of ten(10) International Chapters in key locations abroad where Guyanese reside. The Toronto Chapter was established in July 28, 1985, and became an incorporated body in May 3, 1992.
The primary objective of the Association is fund-raising for the School in Georgetown. In order to achieve this funds are successfully raised through a range of activities both independently and through collaborative efforts with other alumni and community organizations such as the annual all-day family picnic (Last Lap Lime) and a 12th Night Dance. These endeavours are held throughout the year and allow the Alumni to send money, books, equipment and other necessities as requested by the Head Mistress, and to provide bursaries and prizes for student achievement. Further, the Alumni Association works closely with the Old Students’ Association in Georgetown, and advise is given regularly in terms of the needs and requirements of the School.
The Bishops’ High School (Guyana) Alumni Association, Toronto Chapter has a newsletter called “The School Tie” which is published quarterly and distributed to alumni all across Canada, and sometimes beyond.
The Bishops’ High School today
To date The Bishops’ High School maintains the distinction of producing graduates who hold leadership positions in all spheres of life throughout the world. The school motto – Labor Omnia Vincit, along with the school’s guiding principle- Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might, continue to be the inspiration for both former and current students to engage in celebrating their outstanding BHS academic and cultural education through service to the school and to the wider community.
Article References
Great article. Hiwever, kindly correct the format of the school’s name in the heading of the article. i.e. Bishops’
Thank you for pointing that out Carl.