The sleep and wake plant or shame bush (Mimosa Pudica) as it is commonly called in Guyana is stimulated by touch, heat or wind. Its feathery compound leaves will fold inward or droop and will open a few minutes later. It’s like its playing dead. It also closes during darkness and reopens in light. Some other names that it is known by includes sensitive plant, touch me not plant, shame plant sleepy plant just to name a few.
It is consider to be a weed or pest to some and a beautiful plant to some. But whatever the case, this unique plant has many health benefits that I’m sure a lot of us don’t know about. This along with traditional uses will be discuss in this article.
Where Did The Sleep And Wake Plant Come From?
The species is native to South America and Central America. It has been introduced to many other regions and is regarded as an invasive species in Australia, South Asia and South East Asia and many Pacific Islands. It grows mostly in shady areas, under trees or shrubs.

Shame Bush growing wild along the hinterland trails in South America.
Characteristics Of The Sleep And Wake Plant
Stem: The stem is upright and slender, having a reddish-brown color, and has prickly sides.
Leaves: They look like fern leaves or feathers that close up when disturbed by someone, something, or fire. The bipinnate leaves fold in from cushionlike swellings called pulvini, which are located at the base of each leaf. If the leaves are touched with more force, then the petioles will cause the pulvinis and the leaves to droop down. These reactions to physical shock are called thigmonastic movements (also called seismonastic) are what gives the plant its interesting name. In the night time the leaves will also fold and bend in movements known as nyctonastic movements (reaction to absence of light). The leaves usually have between 12 and 25 leaflets on each leaf, which are connected by a red pinnae. This plant’s leaflets range from 9 to 12mm long and approximately 1.5mm wide.
Flowers: Flowers bloom in the summer, which are pale pink in color and look spherical, growing to around 1 inch in diameter.
Pods: The plant’s pods are flat and prickly. To spread around, the pods can float in water or attach themselves to animals and vehicles.
Seeds: The seeds of the sleep and wake plant are brown and usually around 2 mm in diameter. The seed is round and spherical; and like peas, the seed stays in the pod.
Here Are 16 Superb Health Benefits Of The Sleep And Wake Plant
- For Joint Pain or Arthritis – This plant also helps cure joint pain. For this, you have to make a paste from the leaves of this plant and apply it on your joints. Leave it for the night and then wash it the next morning. By doing this daily you will notice the difference, as the swelling and pain from the joints will start to diminish.
- Treating Insomnia/Sleeplessness – To deal with Insomnia or sleeplessness take leaves of this plant (5gm) and crush them to make a paste. Boil this paste in hot water and strain. Take this during nighttime and within 15-20 days you will see the results.
- For Treating Asthma – Prepare the juice of this plant (15ml) and drink it twice a day. This will help in treating asthma.
- To Cure Gum Problems and Toothache – You can gargle with the decoction made from the roots of this plant to maintain good oral hygiene and cure toothache.
- To Cure Itching – To get rid of the itchy skin, just make a paste from the root of this plant and apply it to the affected area. Or make a paste by extracting the juice of this plant and add Sesame oil. The consistency of the paste should be such that the juice of this plant makes up ¾ of the paste. Apply this over the affected area.
- Fights Hair Loss – The sleep and wake plant helps in the growth of new hair cells and helps to control hair loss and baldness. It is recommended to use herbal shampoos containing the extracts of this plant.
- Treating Fractures – This plant also helps to treat fractures of the bone. Simply make a paste of the leaves and apply on the affected area.
- For Minor Cuts and Wounds – Juice extracted by crushing a few leaves of this plant and applied on the wound will work wonders. This plant has healing properties through which the pain will diminish easily.
- For Treating Diabetes – Low blood sugar level is another benefit gained by drinking the juice of this plant. Drink 30ml juice of this plant thoroughly morning and evening. Within 7-10 days you will notice the difference in your blood sugar levels.
- For Treating High Blood Pressure – Take leaves of this plant and crush them to extract the juice. Consume 15 ml twice a day and say goodbye to your high blood pressure problems.
- For Treating Premature Ejaculation – Take the seeds of this plant and mix with equal quantities of sugar. At night take 2 teaspoons of it with warm milk.
- For Treatment of Glandular Swelling and Hydrocele – Prepare juice from the leaves of this plant and apply on the affected area for treatment of glandular swelling and hydrocele. By doing this the burning sensation and swelling will subside.
- To Uplift Sagging Breast – Instead of going for expensive treatments and surgeries, simply prepare a paste of the sensitive plant and Ashwagandha roots and apply this paste on the breasts to uplift them.
- For Treating Stomach Ache and Intestinal Worms – For treating stomach ache and the problem of intestinal worms all you have to do is: Make a paste from the leaves of this plant. For 3-4 days take this paste once a day mixed with honey.
- For Treating Snake Bites – Sleep and wake plant is proven to fight the venom of snakes as dangerous as the cobra. In a case of such emergencies prepare a decoction of its roots (10gm) in 400ml of water and drink it twice a day.
- For Treating Insect Bites – In a case of insect bites grind the leaves and stem of this plant and apply on the affected area. Do this remedy twice a day.
Traditional Uses Of The Sleep And Wake Plant
- Plant is used as a folk anti-helminthic medicine, during childbirth and for infertility.
- Stems, leaves and roots are used to treat insomnia, spasms and convulsions in Vanuatu.
- It is used as a medicinal plant in Hong Kong.
- Grind leaves, flowers and the roots to a paste and apply it on the affected area to treat inflammation and other skin diseases.
- Roots used as diuretic; also used for dysentery and dysmenorrhea in Philippines.
- Root is considered aphrodisiac, and is used for bladder gravel and similar urinary complaints.
- Powdered roots and leaves are taken with milk for piles and fistula.
- Juice is applied externally to fistulous sores.
- It is used for treatment of anxiety and depression in China.
- It is used for birth control in India.
- Seeds are used as emetic in Indo-China.
- Seeds are used for sore throat in Punjab and Cashmere.
- Whole plants are used for bladder calculi; externally, for enema, rheumatism, myalgia and uterine tumors.
- Whole plant are crushed and used for itching and scabies.
- Root decoction drunk as tonic; pounded leaves applied as poultice on body swellings in Malaysia.
- It should not be consumed by pregnant and lactating women.
- If taken in high quantities it can prove fatal.
- Avoid using it if you suffer from constipation or hypomenorrhea.
About The Sleep And Wake Plant
This unique plant is native to central and south America (Guyana) and can be found growing just about anywhere in Guyana is considered a pest by some and just a beautiful plant by others. It is stimulated by touch, heat and wind, hence the name!
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