A young businessman is on a mission to use his business as a catalyst for job creation. Thirty-two-year-old Mikhail J Mc Kenzie is the proud owner of Minimalist – a company that provides sleek and stylish clothing and products at an affordable cost.

Mikhail J Mc Kenzie
Mc Kenzie is the holder of eight subjects at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), an Associate Degree in Business Studies from the T.A Marryshow College, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from the University of Guyana.
The marketing student explained that he is passionate about helping people, especially those who think they are too far from accomplishing their goals.
“I feel so because there was a time in my life when I felt lost and didn’t think I was able to get back to a position that would make me succeed in life,” the young man stated.
Among all uncertainty, the young businessman took a leap of faith on November 1, 2020, and launched his business “Minimalist.”
I decided to launch the business because after venturing on a journey of minimalism, I wished there was an avenue where I can find simple yet sleek and stylish clothing and products in one area. Since that would have benefited me, but I couldn’t find it anywhere around, I figured I should create this business to help people.
Some of the products offered by Minimalist are:
- Authentic Mini Fragranced 5ml and 10ml
- Regular size fragrances
- Inverted Windproof umbrellas
- Inspirational quotes water bottles
- Branded Caps
- Branded T-shirts
- Basic and essential clothing
- Online Shopping services
- Free consultancy on choosing the right products for the customer
The young entrepreneur noted that he has been receiving positive reviews from the populace, while on the other hand, he disclosed that business exposure and capital for business growth are some of his major challenges.
Despite this backdrop, the businessman said that he aims to provide job opportunities to persons in Guyana.
“My goal is to create employment for people in Guyana and, most importantly, help persons by teaching them effective ways to shop. If we learn how to shop usefully, then we would value the items we buy and in turn have less clutter or unwanted items in the house.”
He continued, “I believe I could help Guyana with that; I believe Minimalists in Guyana can be a useful place to shop where we keep items simple and yet sleek while ensuring you get the best value for your money as experts guide you along the way to make informed purchase decisions.”
He added that it is not his intention to deprive people of their wants but to ensure that Guyana has a place where the populace can shop for clothing and products that are simple but sleek and add value.
The more we sell these products and provide services that give you advice on shopping to suit your needs, the more our customers will get what they want and have an appreciation for the items they buy way after the point of sale and in turn avoid items from becoming unnecessary clutter in their homes. At Minimalist, we seek to bring that to Guyana, all by just keeping it simple.
Contact Information for Mikhail Mc Kenzie
- Telephone: 592 679 – 6759
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook Page: Minimalist
- Instagram: theminimalistman.gy