After years in denial, young man sought treatment for HIV

April 29, 2024

For over five years, Handel (not his real name) battled in the shadows of denial after receiving a positive Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) result.

At first, he couldn’t believe it as he always used protection when having sexual intercourse. Amid fear and uncertainty, he chose to bury his truth and conceal it from friends and family members.


The question of whether my family and friends would disown me and how I would live a normal life just clouded my judgment, and I went straight into denial mode. I was fear of shame.

But denial, like a mirage in the desert, offers only temporary solace, masking the pain while deepening the wounds.

Furthermore, his denial not only prevented him from seeking proper medical care but also led to feelings of isolation and fear. He said that the isolation and fear led to suicide attempts.

I found out about my positive results in 2019 when I went for a check-up after dating this young lady. When I went to uplift the results, one of the staff called me into a room, and she asked several questions, ascertaining my mental fitness to handle the news, and then she gave it to me.


Despite his long-standing denial, Handel recently found the courage to confront his fears and share his story with ThingsGuyana under animosity.

This decision marked a pivotal moment in his journey, as he chose to break the silence and stigma surrounding HIV.

The stigma and discrimination against persons living with HIV and AIDS is still within the fabric of our society, and my hope is one day that it is washed away, where persons can be accepted fully without wondering what someone is saying behind their back.

While the first case of HIV was reported in 1981, stigma and discrimination are still prevalent. In the early years of the epidemic, there was widespread fear and misunderstanding about HIV transmission. This led to stigmatisation and discrimination.


As he waits for the day when stigma and discrimination are gone, Handel is imploring persons living with the virus to embrace the truth.

Accept the fact that you have the virus, and treatment and you will be on your way to living a somewhat normal life. It is not easy, but it is worth the shot.

This Operation Manager emphasised the importance of seeking medical care and mental health support. He highlighted, too, that denial only prolongs suffering and isolation.


Over 9,000 persons in Guyana are confirmed HIV positive, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Out of that figure, roughly 6,558 persons are on treatment. In fact, in 2023, there were 238 new HIV cases recorded.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, commonly known as PrEP, has emerged as a groundbreaking tool in the global fight against HIV/AIDS.

This preventive approach involves the use of antiretroviral medications by individuals at high risk of contracting the virus, reducing the chances of infection.

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